Welcome to the Mathematics Department at UCSB

Mathematics Colloquia, Winter 2008

Talks are at 3:30 p.m. in South Hall, Room 6635
Colloquium Chair: Dave Morrison

A Graduate Colloquium designed exclusively for graduate students meets on the remaining Thursdays at the same time and place.


There is also a list of Spring 2008 colloquia.



January 24, 2008


Mike Hopkins

Harvard University

Title: Topological Field Theories

Abstract: The notion of a topological field theory has proved to be an extraordinarily useful scheme for organizing and known invariants of maniolds and for predicting the structure of new ones. In this talk I'll explain the notion of a topological field theory, and the way in which trying to classify them forces topologists to re-examine some of the oldest assumptions in topology. I'll also explain recent joint work with Jacob Lurie giving a complete classification of topological field theories in (very) low dimensions.



March 6, 2008


Susan Friedlander

University of Southern California

Title: The Ubiquity of Fluid Instability

Abstract: We argue that in some appropriate sense almost all steady flows of an ideal fluid are unstable. However there are different kinds of instability, some of which could be called "slow" as opposed to "fast" instabilities associated with isolated unstable eigenvalues. We will discuss the behaviour of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in the context of fluid instability.


Department of Mathematics, South Hall. Room 6607 University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93016, phone (805) 893-2171, fax (805) 893-2385, 
email www.ucsb.edu, office hours m-f 8-12, 1-4