Stephen Bigelow

[ picture of me]

Math Professor and Chair.

Department of Math, South Hall Room 6607,
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA93106-9560.

[math-chair for chair stuff, or bigelow for other stuff]

Office hours: by appointment.

In Spring 2024 I am teaching Math 221c.

My research is in topology, especially "diagrammatic algebra". You can look at my list of publications, or preprints on the arxiv, or my infrequently-updated cv.

I keep a random collection of syllabi of courses I have taught. (Sometimes people need them for course transfers.)

Once upon a time I wrote a C program to search for an element of the kernel of Burau4.

I live in Santa Barbara with Morgan, Jasper, Romeo, and Zoë.

Here is a page of links.

Here is a picture of strawberries.